Voice in the Wilderness

Voice in the Wilderness

In this Bible Study we will learn from the example of John the Baptist that the voice of God needs be heard outside the walls.  We must take the message of Jesus into the world so they can know that Jesus is the Savior of the world. Let’s learn together how God can use all of us to point others to Christ.

A Wilderness Voice
Isaiah 40:3, Matthew 3:1-6

Prepared for Now (Luke 1:13-66)
God has been planning and preparing His servants so we can speak for Him in the wilderness of this world.


The Real Issue (Luke 3:4-25)
To bring others to Jesus we must confront the real issue of sin.


Your Story (John 1:19-29)
An episode in the life of John the Baptist shows us that our job is to bear witness of Christ through our story.


Dealing with Doubts (Matthew 11:1-19)
Jesus provides a simple solution to our doubts and provides confidence to share our faith with others.


The Messenger (Matthew 11:7-11)
As Jesus shares the meaning of John’s life, He shows us the place and priority of taking the message of salvation to those outside our walls.


A Message to Share (Matthew 11:12-19)
In spite of an unresponsive audience we have a message to share.