Tim Campbell

Tim Campbell

Student Ministries Pastor

Tim Campbell serves as the Student Ministries Pastor and works with both teens and young adults. Tim’s passion is to see youth come to know Christ in salvation and to live for Christ as a personal witness. He wants them to have a biblical worldview before they begin making decisions that have lifelong consequences. He loves when teens think Biblically and stand for the truth of God’s Word.

After graduating from Appalachian Bible College Tim served for 12 years as a senior pastor of Bethany Baptist Church in St. Albans, WV, before coming to Mt. Calvary in 2016. He and his wife Ami and their two children live in South Charleston.

“According to Lifeway’s research, 46% of teens that stayed in church as adults stated that they had a significant friendship in the church with an adult other than their parents. I know it would mean a lot if you could share a word of encouragement and pray for them from time to time.” – TC