Sermon Archive     


Transformation of the Heart?

Where does real change begin? Where can we go to find the path to lasting change? Ultimately it must come from a transformed heart, which is something that only Jesus can do.  In this study we will take a look at Jesus' pattern of life and ministry and learn what practices we can appropriate for ourselves that will allow heart transformation to take place.  Don't miss this study.

Dr. Jesse Waggoner
Senior Pastor



Jesus and Worship (Luke 2:39-52)


Sermon Outline

Teaching Video

Small Group Discussion Guide


Jesus and Prayer (Luke 5:16, Luke 6:12,
John 14:31, John 17:26)


Sermon Outline

Teaching Video

Small Group Discussion Guide


Jesus and Service (Matt. 20:20-28)


Sermon Outline

Teaching Video

Small Group Discussion Guide

  Jesus and Discipleship (Mk 3:13-14, Mt.10:24-25)


Sermon Outline

Teaching Video

Small Group Discussion Guide


©2016 Mount Calvary Baptist Church - Charleston, WV