Music Videos

Music Videos

Here are a small sampling of music at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church. We believe that music gives voice to our worship of God.  As you will see we embrace a wide variety of styles and instrumentation but focus on selections that communicate our love and commitment to our Lord.  Enjoy these music videos

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The Mt. Calvary Praise team leads the congregation in “The Only Name.”

Melinda, Ian and Erin Weaver sing “The Gift of Love”

The Mt. Calvary Praise Team lead the congregation in the singing of “Same Power”

The Mt. Calvary Quartet sings “I am Just a Sinner Saved by Grace”

Rich and Sharon Brooks and the Mt. Calvary Praise Team sing “I God Saved.”  This video includes sections from both our Traditional and Contemporary services, be sure to watch until the end!


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The Mt. Calvary Praise Team are joined by our children who sign “You Are My All in All”  This selection includes clips from both our Traditional and Contemporary services.


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The Mt. Calvary Quartet sings “The Lamb Arose.” Enjoy this gospel favorite that celebrates our risen Lord.


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The Mt. Calvary Praise Team leads in worship during our Sunday 9 am worship service. Enjoy them as the lead the congregation in singing “In The Eye of the Storm.”


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“Amazing Grace/My Chains are Gone” – this song is a worship standard that reminds us all we are who we are by the grace of God.


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Our worship director Rich Brooks sings “Where There is Faith.”  May God help us all to live by faith.


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Our Worship Choir sings “Still the Cross” the soloist is Melinda Weaver.  The Choir sings in most 11 am services, and performs twice-annual cantatas.


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The Mt. Calvary Quartet sings “The Old Ship of Zion.”  Enjoy this gospel standard.


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Rich Brooks shares “Your Grace Still Amazes Me.”  Let it amaze you too.


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Rich Brooks sings “I Want to Be Just Like You on Father’s Day 2018.


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The Mt Calvary Quartet sings “I Do Believe

Alexandra Goad performs “Blessed Assuance”

Lyla Yeckley performs and sings “My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness”

Enjoy this worship video of Ami Cambell singing “How Deep The Father’s Love For Us.”