Worship through giving
We believe that giving is an act of worship and thank you for your generosity. We also believe that when it comes to giving here at Mt. Calvary, you should listen to God. We don’t tell you how much to give, but we want to make sure that as you listen to God and follow what He says, we make it as easy as possible for you & your family to give generously! We have a couple new convenient ways for you to give! You can always give by going to our website and also by giving in the offering received in each service, but now we have two new ways for you to give! First, we have an app and you can give anywhere, anytime through that. Also, as we are about to pass the offering plates, if you want give but don’t have cash or checks, please text our Keyword (calvarywv) to (833) 441-8648 to give with your smartphone!
Watch this demo to see how easy it is