This is a big week. For those who are followers of Jesus, Easter is a high-point in our year as we commemorate the death of our Lord and celebrate His resurrection. And we want to invite you to join us as we do. If you are connected to the Mt. Calvary family please come and invite others to come with you.

Good Friday service – Friday April 19th, 7:00 pm in our Connections Theater
Contemporary service – Sunday April 21, 9:00 am in our Connections Theater
Traditional service – Sunday April 21, 11:00 am in our Sanctuary
In addition to great worship, music and singing, you will have time to reflect and honor our Lord. I will be sharing a message on the Exhalation of Christ (more here).
If you want to know more about us, learn our story.
Or, if you have never visited with us before, here is what you can expect.

For more, contact Jesse