A Mother’s Dream

A Mother’s Dream

Discover Jesus' definition of greatness in this study from Matthew 20:20-28. A proud mother promotes her two sons to Jesus and our Lord uses this occa

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The Exalted Lord

The Exalted Lord

It has been called the most ignored teaching in the New Testament: The ministry of Jesus between His ascension and His return. We do understand that o

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Jesus is Alive

Jesus is Alive

Thoughts from My Blog… He is risen "He is not here but is risen" (Luke 24:6) An empty tomb and Savior who is alive. Of all places for a miracle

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Kidstuf May 2018

Kidstuf May 2018

You are Invited Lisa and the Kidstuf cast give you a video introduction to the May Dinner Theater.  The menu includes chicken strips and sides and t

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