Storm Tested Faith

Storm Tested Faith

(1 Samuel 7:2-13) In our most frightful moments God will show up if we set our hearts on Him. As Israel is preparing to reaffirm their faithfulness t

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Is it worth it?

Is it worth it?

Hebrews 11:5 Often life doesn't seem to return the reward we expect, but God promises to reward us if we follow His way. Learn more in this Recharge

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A Sweet Aroma

A Sweet Aroma

2 Cor. 2:14-15 The Bible tells us how we can stir the air around us and be a blessing to others. Learn more in this Recharge Video. [fvplayer src=

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Always Pray

Always Pray

2 Kings 19:14-37 A story from the life of King Hezekiah shows us that in every storm we must use prayer as our first resort. Part 3 of Storm Tested F

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Yes, He knows

Yes, He knows

2 Timothy 2:19 Is it a comforting thought that God know everything and God knows you? Find out how others can know Him through you in this Recharge V

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