Come out for one of the biggest events of the year that our small groups ministry (LifeGroups) host as an opportunity for you to enjoy, learn, & c
Category: news
Stepping Up (Men’s Short-Term Group)
Men of every age will learn what biblical manhood looks like and action tools for gospel-centered living to empower them to be true heroes in their fa
Step Up to Your Next Adventure
It is time to get back to the basics of our faith and you will do just that in this study we call Step Up- to your next spiritual adventure. As we l
What do you love?
We asked some of our folks what they love about Mt. Calvary and they were kind enough to share their thoughts with us. We would also like to hear fr
FOCAS Paint & Create
FOCAS (Fellowship of Christian Adult Singles) would like to invite all singles to Paint & Create for a fun filled relaxed evening making a fall ca
Living Proof
How can you know for sure the Bible is true? In this study we will learn how the Bible authenticates itself and how we can have assurance that the Scr
Watch our services live here We live stream our worship services each Sunday at 9 am, 11 am and 6 pm. All times EasternToday's Bulletin Ser
Co-Ed Volleyball
Our church is possibly putting together a co-ed volleyball team to be in the Charleston Church Recreation Association (CCRA) league. If you're interes
How to Listen for God’s Voice
[fvplayer id="7"] I am so looking forward to this new series which begins August 4th. I know that we both long to hear God's voice in our lives s
FOCAS Putt-Putt Outing
Adult Singles please meet at the church parking lot @ 2:30PM as we'll travel together for a laid back evening of fun playing Putt-Putt (paid for) &