There are many ways to connect at Mt. Calvary. Find one to begin to flourish in your relationship with Jesus and others:
LifeGroups are small groups of people who gather in either homes, a classroom, or wherever else to center on God’s Word, prayer, worship, serving and living life together. This serves as the foundation for deep truly life-changing relationships. LifeGroups are vessels of the church which create a safe environment where people can encounter Jesus Christ, find resources and relationships to nurture spiritual growth.
The purpose of a LifeGroup is a three-fold: Spiritual Growth (love for God & others), Biblical Community (accountability, belonging, & care) based on Acts 2:42-47 and fulfilling the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20).
Checkout a LifeGroup below

One of the best ways to get connected into a LifeGroup is by attending a MdWk group.
FOCAS (Fellowship of Christian Adult Singles)
FOCAS is a group of adult singles made up of all ages who gather monthly to connect, making lasting friendships & have amazing fun together because life was not meant to do it alone. To find out more about FOCAS or when the next gathering is click here
Watch the clip below to view more about LifeGroups
Married People
Married People is designed to equip, encourage, and inspire marriages of all ages and stages of life. Married People provides the necessary tools to have a lasting marriage that God intends by having short-term groups throughout the year, individual resources, and couples retreats. Stay tuned for more info coming soon!
For more contact Adam